Why Use Skip a Payment?

元素 Financial的“跳过付款”(Skip a Payment)福利允许您选择一个月不支付贷款,而不会被视为拖欠. Skip a Payment allows you to:

  • Free up cash
  • Plan a vacation
  • Cover unexpected expenses
  • You decide!


你必须持有至少12个月的贷款才有资格申请跳过, and it must have a minimum monthly payment of $100. 此外,你所有的要素信用合作社帐户必须在良好的信誉. Once you have exercised Skip a Payment or had a deferral on a loan, that loan may be eligible again in 12 months.

Eligible 元素 loans include:

  • 汽车贷款
  • RV, 船, and ATV 贷款
  • Unsecured Signature 贷款
  • EZ Lines of Credit



跳过付款请求必须在贷款到期日之前不少于7天收到. 使用此功能时,每笔消费者贷款将收取30元的费用,该费用将加到您的贷款余额中. 在你的贷款余额中增加的费用将影响你未来的每月还款义务.

Once you have exercised Skip a Payment or had a deferral on a loan, that loan may be eligible again in 12 months.


Request to Skip a Payment 

Fill out the form below to request to skip a loan payment.

Your Information

Loan Information


Fee Payment

The fee for each Skip Request is $30. 这笔费用将被加到你的贷款余额中,并将导致你的贷款产生额外的利息. 费用和额外的利息也会导致更多的未来付款和更多的贷款总付款额.

在上述方框内打钩,表示我明白并同意我的选择将导致(I)修改 of my Loan Agreement; (ii) a change in my future monthly payments; (iii) additional interest accruing on the overall loan balance (including on the fee); and (iv) my election will result in a larger 我的贷款总付款额,包括较大的最后付款(或额外付款).

I further understand and agree that Skip a Payment benefit is voluntary.

Terms and Conditions

元素 Financial提供的跳过付款功能如下:我可以选择一个月不付款而不会被视为拖欠贷款(“跳过期”). 在跳过期间,利息和财务费用将继续增加. 我明白并同意,我必须是信誉良好的会员才有资格使用此功能. A fee of $30 per consumer loan is imposed for exercising the skip feature. 这笔费用是一项财务费用,将增加我贷款的年百分比利率(APR). 我所要求的每月付款将再次开始在一个月后立即跳过期. 我明白,在我的贷款余额中增加费用将导致我的贷款产生额外的利息(包括费用产生的利息),并导致我的贷款总付款增加. 我理解并同意在我的贷款余额中增加30美元的费用将影响我未来的每月付款,我同意我全权负责核实这些未来的金额,并确保任何自动付款都相应地更新.

I understand that I can only exercise this feature once each year. 我理解并同意,因行使跳过付款功能而产生的任何额外付款(超出原始到期日期的付款)将不在信用保险和/或GAP承保范围内,并且我有责任核实跳过付款对我的GAP或其他保险范围的影响. 我进一步明白,使用免还贷款功能会延长我全额偿还贷款的时间,而我也会为我的贷款支付更多的利息。.

我明白免还款功能是对我现有贷款的一种修改,在我的贷款余额中增加费用将影响我未来的每月还款义务. By submitting my request, I am explicitly agreeing to the modification of my existing loan(s), 包括支付延期付款的费用,以及将费用加到我的贷款余额中.

For payments I generate (payments set up with a bill payment service, payments initiated at another financial institution, 等.), 我同意我有责任在我使用跳过付款功能的那个月停止付款. 我明白,转寄给元素的跳过期贷款款项将不会用于我的元素贷款,资金将存入我的元素货币市场储蓄账户. 进一步, 我同意,我全权负责确定我未来的贷款支付金额,并在必要时调整任何未来的付款.

Thank you for using our Website application. 通过提出此Web请求,您证明所做的所有陈述都是真实和完整的. 您授权信用合作社获取处理此请求所需的任何信息, including a credit report. 如果需要任何额外的信息来处理您的请求或如果您的请求被拒绝,信用合作社代表将与您联系.


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